Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Week 2: Weigh In

I can't believe I have really made it 2 whole weeks! I have to say I am quite impressed with myself.
I'm also happy to report that I got on the scale this morning and have lost 1.4 pounds this past week. One thing that really worked for me this week was on Sunday I washed and chopped up lots of fruit and vegetables for the week. I even put some fruit in containers for Jeremy and I for our lunches so they were all ready to go. I also started coming home from school putting my work out clothes on right away and doing my work out before I start supper or anything else. This seems to work the best for me so I get my work out done and over with as soon as I get home. I would like to start working out in the mornings but that would mean getting up at 4:45 and I'm not sure if I can do that right not. That is early.

One thing I need to do better at is drinking more water. I am really struggling to get my water in during the work week. If I drink what I am supposed to I have to run to the washroom and I just can't leave my 20 kindergartners for a minute. I fear for what I would return to even in that short of time. So, this week I am going to try to drink more in the morning and really think about my schedule and see if I can get more water in.

I have continued to stick with the 6 week boot camp, squat and push up bootcamp and the C25K. I have only missed one scheduled day of exercising and that was because my puppy got spayed on Friday and although I had time to exercise I just couldn't leave her side when I brought her home! I didn't beat myself up about it or anything I just pushed a little harder on Saturday when I did bootcamp and moved on!

Here's hoping you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Good job on losing again this week. I find Sunday prep really sets me up for a successful week.
